#ZAPPLASTIC campaign
Did you know?
• 500 million straws are thrown away every day. That’s enough to wrap around the earth 2.5 times every day.
• Between Hawaii and California, there is a massive floating island of waste, three times the size of France, and two times the size of Texas.
• A disposable plastic cup can take up to 80 years to decompose.
• 1 million plastic cups are used every six hours just on airline flights within the United States.
• Between 4 and 12 million metric tons of plastic waste enter the ocean each year, enough to cover every foot of coastline on the planet. And that amount is expected to more than double in the next 10 years.
It’s time to #ZAPPLASTIC, and change starts with YOU, with US.
We need change to put an end to this kind of plastic pollution once and for all! Write to your city council, go to your local chamber of commerce, talk to your village elders and visit local restaurants and hotels. Be passionate and give them the facts about plastic pollution. Share this video or make your own video. Find out more about plastic pollution and inspire yourself to make a change.
There are alternatives to plastic, and we must start using them NOW.
#ZAPPLASTIC #OceansDay #OceanHeroes#BeatPlasticPollution #MalibuChallenge #MarineLife #BanPlastic